Adam's Amazing Space Adventure
An Educational Trip Around The Planets Making Friends.

The Story
Accompanied by his big brother Harry, join Adam and his trusty rocket on this never to be forgotten educational interplanetary adventure.
Meet the planets, surf the cosmos with comet Halley and eat solar sassies in an interstellar cafe. Follow the clues to complete your mission to find out where aliens drive in their cars.
Buckle up your seatbelts and get ready for a trip of a lifetime. Blast off is in 10 minutes, 9, 8…
A Note From Benji
I have always been in awe of the splendour and beauty of the sun, moon & stars and the ancient secrets they hold. With so much expectation that one day we will visit the red planet, naturally, I had to make sure Adam got there first to have fun with the happy little Martians. Space rockets and the cosmos have captivated the imaginations of boys and girls alike ever since they could raise their eyes to the sky and wish upon the stars. Adam’s Amazing Space Adventure ignites their imagination with adventure and excitement.

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